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Installation & Maintenance Instructions


Ball Valves

ABVA & ABVS (air actuated ball valve 1/2″, 3/4″ & 1″) Installation Instructions [PDF format]

ABRA, ABRS & ABMS (air actuated ball valve 1-1/4″, 1-1/2″ & 2″) Installation Instructions
[PDF format]

EBVA/EBVB (electrically actuated ball valves, 3/8″ – 4″) Installation Instructions [PDF format]

Modulating EBVA/EBVB (4-20mA or 0-10 VDC) Wiring Diagram [PDF format]

Reset Procedure for Modulating EBVA (4-20mA or 0-10 VDC) [PDF format]

EBV to EBVA Wiring Changeover Instructions [PDF format]

EPP (electro-pneumatic positioner) Installation Instructions [PDF format]

LMBV (lateral reducing ball valve) Installation Instructions [PDF format]

MBV (manual ball valve) Installation Instructions – [PDF format]

MBV (manual ball valve) Instructions from factory box carton – [PDF format]

MBVL (Lockout/Tagout ball valve) Installation Instructions – [PDF format, page 2]

MBVM (Metering manual ball Valve) Installation Instructions – [PDF format, page 2]

MBV (manual ball valve) Replacement Seal Kit Instructions [PDF format]

TMBV (3-way manual ball valve) Installation Instructions [PDF format]

Series SW (Limit Switch 1/2″ – 2″) Installation Instructions [WORD format]

Series SW 3.0 (Limit Switch 3″) Installation Instructions [PDF format]

Check Valves

CK & CKM Check Valves Installation Sheet [PDF]

CKS Check Valves Installation Sheet [PDF ENGLISH]

CKS Check Valves Seal Kit Instructions [PDF format]

CKD Check Valves [WORD format]

Check Valve Troubleshooting Guide
[WORD format]

Gauge Guards & Instrumentation

Series GGS High-performance PTFE or FKM diaphragm seal
[PDF format]

Series GGS — Optional Fill Port Instructions [PDF format]

Miniature Gauge Guard [PDF format]

Series GGMU
Ultra-pure Gauge Guard [PDF format]

Gauge Filling Instructions using vacuum fill [PDF format]

Series FPS Fluid Presence Sensor
[PDF format]

Series SWT Pressure Switch
[PDF format]

BASIKS Series FS Flow Switch [PDF format]

BASIKS Series FSA Adjustable Flow Switch [PDF format]

BASIKS Series LLS Level Switch [PDF format]

Series DPFM Differential Pressure Flow Meter [PDF format]

Series DPI/DPIS Differential Pressure Indicator [PDF format]

Series DPG/DPGS Differential Pressure Gauge [PDF format]

Series FIG/FIGS Variable Area Flow Meter [PDF format]

Pressure Regulators
PRHM High Performance Pressure Regulators with NON-RISING STEM, sizes ¾”, 1″, 1½” and 2″ [PDF ENGLISH]

Series PR & PRH High Performance Machined Body Pressure Regulators [PDF format] Users should also download pressure setting instructions for non-rising stem if applicable

Series PRHU additional torquing instructions

Series PRHM 1/2″ Molded PVC Pressure Regulators [PDF format]

Series PR & PRH seal kit instructions [PDF format]

PR-PRH Conversion Instructions [PDF format]

Series PRD Differential Pressure Regulator [PDF format]

PRA Air Loaded Pressure Regulators [PDF format]

PRS Stabilizer for Air Loaded Pressure Regulators [PDF format]

Re-Torquing Instructions for ½” – 3″ Regulators Prior to Installation [PDF format]

UPR Ultra-Pure Pressure Regulators [PDF format]

UPRS Ultra-Pure Pressure Regulators w/ shut off capability


Relief Valves

Series RVD angle-pattern diaphragm relief valve [PDF format]

Series RVDM [PDF format]

Series RVDT PTFE diaphragm inline pattern relief valves [PDF ENGLISH]


Series RVT Seal Kit Instructions [PDF]

Series RVT 1/2″ size seal kit exploded view [GIF]

Series RVT ¾”, 1″, 1¼”, 1½” & 2″ size seal kit exploded view [GIF]

Series RVTX Heavy-duty 3″ angle-pattern solid body relief valve PVC/Polypro/PVDF [PDF format]

Series RVTX Heavy-duty 3″ angle-pattern relief valve in CPVC, also older “molded body” PVC [PDF format]

Series TRVDT PTFE diaphragm 3-way relief valves [PDF format]

Shut Off & Diverter Valves
Installation & Maintenance Instructions for BSDA/BSDAM Air Shutoff Diaphragm Valves – [PDF format]

Seal Kit Replacement Instructions for BSDA/BSDAM Air Shutoff Diaphragm Valves – [PDF format]

Installation & Maintenance Instructions for BSR/BSRM Air Shutoff Valves [PDF]

Air Operated Pinch Valves Series HSA [PDF format]

Air Operated Drain Valves
Series IDA Quick Dump – [PDF format]

Air Operated Pinch Valves Series HSA

Manually Operated Valves Series MFR

Older Designs:

Air Operated Shutoff Valves
(includes BAT, BLT, BST, EAT, ELT, EST Series.) – [WORD format]

Air Operated Shutoff Valves
(includes BAT, BLT, BST, EAT, ELT, EST Series.) – [PDF format]

Air Operated Diverter Valves
Series F & BFS – [PDF format]

Sight Glass & level Indicators

Installation Instructions for all Plast-O-Matic True Blue Sight Glasses & Level Indicators GX, GY, GYW, GL [PDF FORMAT]


THREADED CONNECTIONS: NEVER use a pipe wrench, channel lock wrench, or any metal wrench to install plastic valves. Always tighten “hand tight” — then 1/4-turn with a strap wrench. Not all thread sealants, tapes, compounds, pastes, dopes, thread locks, etc. are compatible with thermoplastics. Verify compatibility with sealant manufacturer prior to use.

CEMENTED CONNECTIONS: DO NOT allow primer and/or solvent cement to touch any area other than the piping socket.

SEAL KIT BASICS: Never use a screwdriver or sharp instrument of any kind to remove o-rings and other seals. While our valves are quite rugged, a metal instrument may scratch the plastic sealing surface…and then the o-ring may not be able to seal into the scratch or damaged area. Please use extreme care.

Can’t find what you need? Please call us at 973-256-3000 or e-mail
Solenoid Valves

Series EAST PTFE Bellows Solenoid Valve Installation Instructions [PDF format]

Series EAST PTFE Bellows Solenoid Valve Replacement Seal Kit Instructions [PDF format]

Series EASY-NO normally-open solenoid valves [PDF format]

Series EASYMT, EASMT PTFE Bellows Solenoid Valves Installation & Seal Kit Instructions [PDF format]

Series PS Pilot-Assisted Solenoid Valves
[PDF format]

Series PS Pilot-Assisted Solenoid Valve Replacement Seal Kit Instructions

W11 AC Solenoid Coils [PDF format]

W11 DC Solenoid Coils [PDF format]

W24 AC & DC Solenoid Coils
[PDF format]

R24 AC & DC Solenoid Coils [PDF format]

W20 Solenoid Coils — DISCONTINUED [WORD format]

Series THP higher pressure design 3-way solenoid valves


Venting Valves & Vacuum Breakers

Series ARV Air Release Valve


Series DGV Degassing Valve


Series CARD Combination Air Release/Degassing and Vacuum Relief Valve
[PDF English]

Series VB, VBM & VBS Vacuum Breakers [PDF ENGLISH]

Miscellaneous Process Controls & Pumps

Series CC Calibration Columns/Cylinders [PDF Format]

Series FC Flow Control Valves
[PDF format]

Series PCWR & PCWS Process Cooling Sticks Installation & Maintenance Instructions [PDF format]

Series PDS Pulsation Dampener/Surge Suppressor Installation & Maintenance Instructions [PDF format]

Series VPA Metering Pump
[PDF format]

Proximity Sensor for Series VPA Metering Pump
[PDF format]

All Other Instruction Sheets
CAUTION STATEMENT — Provided with every productSolvent Cementing
Do’s & Don’ts for making socket connections in PVC & CPVC
Threaded Connections
Do’s & Don’ts for making threaded connections in thermoplastic valves